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Selasa, 23 November 2010


This is the first time I speak as the leader of a big organization such Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa (LPM)Ronggolawe University. I want to tell you about the way I got this position. In fact, I didn’t have any thought before if I would be chosen as the leader. On the way I registered myself into this organization, I just wanted to know about the world of journalistic or press. I was extremely eager to be able to write news. I wanted to be a good journalist. Although I was expected to be only its member, I would be contented anyway. I didn’t mean to achieve this position. However, now I am the leader of this organization. Indeed, this happened when Musyawarah Tahunan Anggota (MTA) LPM-6 Ronggolawe University was held on August 10th, 2010 in which the dramatic process ran away.
At first, I just became the coordinator of the agenda department of the organism of the official of the event. I was only in charge to list the agenda of the event. I worked with some friends. And I think it is not position with plenty activity that can enforce my time to think hard about it. I just listed the agenda that would be done on a piece of paper then escorted it to the chief of the event M. Sholeh. And luckily, Sholeh is a good man that can accept what I give easily. Then, on the way the event was opened in the opening ceremony, I was the moderator who brought the agenda. And it ran well without any big problem. I could run my duty well enough at the time.
Second, I was chosen as the main leader of Pleno meeting that gave me the first experience to be in front of the forum. In the pleno there were three leaders: a main leader, second leader, and a secretary. It happened with voting of the whole attendants who pointed me, Reza, Bilhaqi, and some others. And I was the one who got the most voice, so willy-nilly I had to go ahead. However, I really respected to Reza who became the second one after me. I gave the main leader position to him for he was the one who brave to escort him to be the leader. I was just pointed by the other people; therefore, I thought that Reza became the main leader was the wise choice. Moreover, by placing Reza at the position, it didn’t decrease the legitimation of me to sit on the front chair. I then became the second leader at the Pleno. The first and second Pleno were running well although they were stopped awhile with the accident of changing the leader who conducted the meeting. At the middle of the meeting, the main leader position was given to me. I anyway could bring it well too.
The third, it happened as the third Pleno was held in the purpose of choosing the new leader of LPM after the ex-official have presented their obligation report. All the attendants chose two attendants as the candidate of the leader of LPM, A. Efendi and Roro Imamul M. Only the two that were proposed by the whole of the attendants. A half the attendants chose Efendi and the others chose Roro. They became the powerful candidate at the time. Unfortunately, none of them wanted to lead this organization. Roro, at the one hand, disagreed for she was woman. She argued that woman should not lead this organization as long as there are some men. Effendi, on the other hand, also disagreed for he had had another vision to get position at an organization out of this organization. He wanted to be the leader of LDK (Lembaga Da’wah Kampus). That’s why he refused the position. No one was willing to lead this organization neither the two powerful candidates nor the other attendants. That condition insisted the meeting become silent for long time enough.
Then, the time kept running with none of the attendants who were willing to propose him or herself to be the first person in this organization. I tried to approach Efendi to influence him to be willing in leading this organization a year later. However, he still committed to his believe that he extremely eager to be the leader of LDK. He said, “I cannot lead this organization for I have had vision to lead KDK. I’m sorry I can’t. However, I’d still be the member of this organization whatever I am in the next time.”
The time kept running away and no one dare him or herself to be the first person. Finally, I myself dare my own with the support from Efendi and some attendants to become the leader. More over, the ex-leader Abdul Matin also supported about my proposal to become the leader. I was actually not so positive with the decision for I still didn’t know the feeling of the attendants if I become their leader. I was afraid, if by my coming; this organization would be destroyed caused by the poor of the gatherings between the members. However, after all the attendants stated their agreement about my willingness, I stated myself to be willing to lead this organization. I opened my statement by saying “Basmalla” 3 times. “Bismillahirrohmanirrohim… Bismillahirrohmanirrohim… Bismillahirrohmanirrohim… now at this time I stated myself to be your leader a year later!” that’s what I said. All the attendants then applauded which made the meeting room crowded. They gave me congratulation then.
That’s the story of my coming to lead this Press Organization. I don’t have prediction before, but now I’m the leader. Although my coming is not proposed by the attendants, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have capability to lead. I still believe that this organization will go on well a year later because the gatherings of the members and the supports of various people including the seniority. I still believe…